Growing together.
Whoever you are, wherever you're from, you are welcome here.
First Saginaw Students is the student ministry at First Baptist Church Saginaw where we strive to live out our mission to Love God and Love People! Anyone in 7th-12th grade is welcome! We hope you will come be a part of our family!

Regular Activities
You are always welcome to join us on Sundays / Wednesdays / and anytime we get together throughout the week. Check the calendar for upcoming events.
Sunday School
Sunday School begins at 9:45 am upstairs in the youth area. After an opening fellowship time and announcements, our students meet in small groups for a Bible study. We are using the curriculum from the Gospel Project right now to work through the Bible from beginning to end.
Worship service begins at 11:00am following Sunday school, and we gather together with the church downstairs in the Sanctuary for worship.
Youth Choir
Our youth choir meets on Sunday evenings at 5:00 pm upstairs in the youth area. The youth choir is open to students that are currently in 7th grade through 12th grade. The youth choir is a wonderful opportunity for fellowship with other students and to worship God with your voice.
Whether you are musically gifted or you can’t carry a tune in a bucket, we welcome you and hope you will come and be a part of our youth choir. The youth choir has several opportunities throughout the year to perform during our Sunday services and there is an annual mission trip opportunity for the youth choir in the summer.
Whether you are musically gifted or you can’t carry a tune in a bucket, we welcome you and hope you will come and be a part of our youth choir. The youth choir has several opportunities throughout the year to perform during our Sunday services and there is an annual mission trip opportunity for the youth choir in the summer.
Sunday Night at Church (SNAC)
SNAC starts at 6:00 pm upstairs in the youth area, immediately following Youth Choir. SNAC is a time of fellowship and fun. We begin the night with a 15-minute testimony time, where a church member shares with our students the story of how they came to faith in Jesus Christ and the difference that this makes in their life. Then we play games together and enjoy time together. Finally, we finish the night in prayer for our school and for the week ahead.
The Crossing
The Crossing is our mid-week service for our students to keep them spiritually engaged throughout the week. We meet on Wednesday evenings from 6:30pm-8:00pm. We serve pizza at 6:30, spend time in worship, hear a message from the Bible, and play games! Please join us on Wednesday nights for The Crossing at 6:30 pm upstairs in the youth area.
Serve Saturday
Service Saturday is an opportunity for our students to come together and to serve our community. Students participate in service projects in our church and in our community. These events are held from 9:00am-12:00pm. Check the calendar for the next day!
We Hope To See You There!
Download the First Baptist Saginaw App on the Apple Store or Google Play store to stay up with all the events for our Youth Group!