
Adult Sunday School

Sundays 9:45am

At the core of every individual’s life is a need for relationships—with God and with God’s people.
Our Sunday Bible Study helps you strengthen your relationship with God and others. We offer a variety of classes and teaching styles and materials that will enable you to not only know about God, but really know Him.
All classes meet in person - some are also meeting via Zoom at the current time.  Contact David Hunter for questions regarding any Sunday School Class 817-232-0560 

Faith, Family, Foundations

  • Teacher: Nick & Jackie Comey
  • Room: A119
We are a group of young adults, both married and single, with or without children, who love studying the Word and sharing life's journey together.

Growing Families

  • Teacher: Chuck Witta, Doug Grope
  • Room: C102,111
  • 30’s-40’s, with kids ranging from Preschool to College age.


  • Teacher: Bonnie Sue Jacobs
  • Room: A101-102
The Faith class is a group of ladies age 60 and above. We are currently reading through the Bible using the Bible Recap. We are a close-knit class that stays in touch throughout the week. We hold the values of service and fellowship as important aspects of our class goals. Newcomers are welcome here! Any questions contact Bonnie Jacobs, the class teacher at
Age Range: 60+

Helping Hands

  • Teacher: Paul Sumruld & Doug Crosthwait
  • Room: C104/107
We are a diverse group of individuals that meet to study the Word each week and share our lives together in local ministry. We believe that “One little class, in one little church, in one little town, in the Great state of Texas can make an impact for Christ in the world.”
Age range: 30-80

Embrace Life

  • Teacher: Amanda Towns
  • Room: C110
  • Meets in person
Single Moms are welcome to this class where we will discuss topics important to single parent, using God’s Word and a video/curriculum plan to guide our discussions.

Young Adult

  • Teachers: John and Janessa Groce
  • Room: C109
College students and young singles


  • Teacher(s): Pat Hamilton, Roy Hodges
  • Room: A117
The Koinonia Class is a couples class. We teach the Word of God using an expository approach. We believe God’s Word is truth and His truth, illuminated by the Holy Spirit, has the inherent power to grow and mature us in our walk with Christ.  As our class name implies…the New Testament word…”Koinonia”, we enjoy fellowship and sharing life with those whom the Lord sends our way.


  • Teacher: Anna Parmley
  • Room: A107-109
  • Meets in person with Facebook Live on Anna Parmley's page (available to watch later)
We are mature ladies who love the Lord and each other. We serve the community and are a strong group of prayer warriors.

Men’s Class

  • Teacher: Steve Williams
  • Room: A106
Our class includes men with ages ranging from 50-90+
The Men’s Adult class is a Bible, prayer and ministry focused class that serves the Lord through weekly in-depth study of the books of the Bible.  Through class prayer time and ministries we are blessed to be able to reach out to our community and church family on an ongoing basis. 

Praise Class

  • Teacher: Pat Peacock
  • Room: A110-112
We are a group of senior adult ladies. We love to study the Word. Come join us!

Potters 4 Christ

  • Teacher: Bill Still, Dennis Cherry, Mike Williams, Stephen Butts
  • Room: A104-5
  • Meets in person/Facebook Live
Class for adults in their 30s - 80s & their extended family members that makes up one big loving family.  We are a praying group! We have a discussion-based Bible study that is woven together with humor and life application. Join us if you are interested in a group who loves to share life together, not only on Sundays, but throughout the week. We have breakfast once a month in class and a monthly activity away from church, as well as small group game nights in the homes of our members. Come join the family! We provide streaming on Facebook Live for those who are homebound or traveling in a private group. 

Starting Point

  • Teacher: Joy Neal
  • Room: A113
A short-term intentional discipleship class exploring the foundational truths of our faith and their impact on our lives as disciples. New members and individuals considering membership at FBC are encouraged to attend. Any adult desiring to grow in discipleship is welcome also.


  • Teacher: David Hunter & George Payne
  • Room: A118
  • Age Range: Any age is welcome to attend this Bible Book Study.  We have singles and couples.
Our class name is "Logos".   Logos is a Greek word meaning word, thought, principle, or speech.  In the Bible, the word "Logos" is found in John 1:1-4.  [Jhn 1:1-4 NASB95] "1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being. 4 In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men."  Here the reference is to Jesus.  Our class is currently studying the book of Revelation.  Our focus will be to understand the original intent and then make application to today.   Our hope is that we will grow together as a community  and grow closer in our understanding of God and grow closer to "Logos", The Word of God.
Starting June 15, we will begin an in-depth study of the Book of Ephesians.  

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